Friday, February 18, 2011

Research Question?

Ok for my question I want to do is: Can more computers help the people at Job Corps and lessen the time for them to be there?

I choose this question because I personally love computers and they help me with my learning immensely. When I went in for orientation I asked if they used a lot of computers. I was told that they weren't unless it was for a skill that they take. This question was the first that came into my mind. I am not to sure if that is what is wanted for the assignment, but I really think that technology helps with just about everything. And since in our time computers are becoming more of a must know, I think learning to type should be in the program.


  1. Hi Katie,
    Yes, this is what this assignment is all about--so good job. I like this topic because it's current, something you're interested in, and can have a positive impact at Job Corps.

    My biggest concern is that I think you could narrow your topic down a bit more. It would be very useful to have computers, I'm sure, but maybe you could look into more of the HOW they would be useful, how they would pay for them, etc. Or, if you could research how similar organizations have successfully (or unsuccessfully) used computers, that would be a bit more manageable. I like where you're going though!

  2. I think that this is a great research question!!!! You are so right in that computers are almost like one of the most important thing in todays world. If you don't know how to use or operate a computer than I feel like you wouldn't make it very far in any business except for low end jobs.
    I also agree with you in that it is sometimes is very helpful with math and other subjects because online sites such as ALEKS or MathLab do a great job explaining the steps by both showing them and also by explaining them.
    I feel like I would do a little better in my own level of math if I was able to use an online site that could help explain each step when I'm doing homework either by myself or with my study group.
