Monday, February 7, 2011

Extended Bibliography Three

Fred Seligman, et al. "PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL, AND EDUCATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A SAMPLE OF JOB CORPS TRAINEES." Pediatrics 40.4 (1967): 603. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 4 Feb. 2011.
In this article the authors talk about how Job Corps wanted to know how the students health was before they entered the program. They ran many different test on “ 24 Negroes, 19 Caucasians, 2 Puerto Ricans, and 5 of Mexican extraction” who were all men. They went through a eight category neurological assessment which were, “(1)mental state; (2)language function; (3)head,neck, and spine; (4) cranial; (5) station and gait; (6) motor function; (7) reflexes; and (8) sensation”. Many of the subjects in the study were found to have come from disrupted families and some had problems with their weight whether it was being obese or underweight.
The authors wanted to emphasize the importance of health care and that these young adults that enter the program really need it. They either come from a very poor family or they were just malnourished while growing up. While reading this article I could not believe that a lot of the subjects that were used in this study were either living with one of their parents or had other living arrangements because they did not get along with their parents. Its sad to think that things can get this bad.
I feel that the authors were in the right of doing this study and I am glad that there is a place like Job Corps helping out these unfortunate young adults. This article just shows that health care is extremely important and necessary to have.
There is one questions I would like to ask and that would be “Why did they only do they study on men and not women?”


  1. Hi Sammie. Your bibliography was really well written, and you did a good job of summarizing, it was easy for me as a reader to tell what the main point of the article was. Although in saying that I think there are a few things you could have done different. After reading it I found myself wondering what the results of some of the test were. Also why were the men separated by race? Was there any significance to that? The article may not have had the information for you to extract. I really liked your question at the end. "Why did they only do the study on men and not women?" I thought it was a great way to end the bibliography and put your own input in on the topic.

  2. Hey Sammie!!!
    - Great bibliography! The article must have been very interesting!! I think it would have helped the bibliography if there was a little more.. I guess .. simple language and explanation with the medical jargon. I think you made an excellent point - why DID they only do men and not women??? Maybe the school was male only in that state? Anyway Its great to hear your personall thoughts about it too. - Coming from situations like this - its always a good thing to hear from someone who didn't experiance thatv life- understand what its like for thosde of us who have. Many people are very closed minded and don't try to see where otheres are commiong from. Thanks for ur post!!!
