Reflective Letters
The more I went to Job Corps the more I learned about how things worked there. This is where I first started to see first hand what happens when you don’t finish school or go on to the next level of school. When I first arrived there I got asked a lot about what I want to do, whats it like to go to college and all my experiences. Even thought I am the youngest person out of all 11 of them. As I talked about the program there I started to understand the real reason people go there. Sometimes it is there only option, but most of the time it is because they desire to have a better life and start over. Regardless of the reason they are all cool people and I enjoy going to help them out.
At the beginning of this unit I was sure that I wanted to include something about technology but wasn’t sure what to do on there other than that. After going to the service learning and meeting the group that I would help I felt kinda glad to be where I am right now, in school and going for a degree. I asked them about their lives and how they like there and such. I learned that they had limited computers and not everyone used them, I was even more shocked to find out that some at the facility don’t even know how to type. That was when I found what I wanted to focus on in this unit.
I,at first wanted to do the unit on how technology can help studying and improve the rate at which we learn. I wanted to do this because the usual time for Job Corps was around 2 years which in my opinion is a long time. But then I narrowed it down from technology to computers because that is the most useful for a job. Then I got from that to typing because of what I learned from service learning.
When I picked the lay out for my website I choose is because it looked professional and I really liked the colors. I am a little sad that the music I put on the web page won’t work because it would cost extra but I think it is proficient as it is. I wanted it to be as educational as to fun because I didn’t want it to come off as unprofessional and unreliable for a paper of any kind. I choose to set up may website the way I did because I didn’t want to only have one side of the argument. I think that the audience should always know what they are dealing with instead of just a biased opinion. I was sure to put in programs that are like Job Corps and incorporates what I thought the program should have. In truth there are multiple ways I could have done this website, I thought my way was the best and hopefully the audience will agree.
Here is a link to my website
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